Friday, June 11, 2010

Architectural historian Francis Morrone reviews my book tomorrow (June 12) in the Wall Street Journal.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My book's out!

Yesterday, June 8, my book The Flatiron hit the stands. It's all about the construction of the building in 1902, and how New York went mad over it. I talked about this a bit last night at Barnes & Noble (the one at Broadway and 82nd Street), which hosted a book signing to mark The Flatiron's debut. For the last three years, as I wrote and researched this book, I'd been asking myself why we love this building so much. And I still don't know the answer. Is it its weird shape? Its location, smack in the middle of an intersection? That you can view it from any of its sides? That it appears different from every different angle? I think we love the Flatiron even more today than people did when it was first built.